Sister Nations Color Guard Captured in Wet Plate Collodion at Nostalgic Glass

August 14, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Native AmericanSister Nations Color Guard in Wet Plate CollodionSister Nations Color Guard

"Sister Nations Color Guard", with Belinda Runningwolf, Anabah Littlefeather, Michela Fay Alire and Angel Young. They are four members of twelve that represent the armed services. It was an honor to be able to capture them in the historic wet plate collodion process of pure silver on glass. I want to thank them for their service to our country.

8x10" black glass ambrotype, Carl Zeiss Tessar 300mm lens, 12 seconds of exposure, natural light through Northren facing windows and skylight.

Sister Nations Color GuardSister Nations Color Guard in Wet Plate CollodionSister Nations Color Guard Sister Nations Color GuardSister Nations Color Guard in Wet Plate CollodionSister Nations Color Guard Sister Nations Color GuardSister Nations Color Guard in Wet Plate CollodionSister Nations Color Guard




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Nostalgic Glass Wet Plate Studio was founded on October 4th, 2012 by Shane Balkowitsch. 

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