"We Dance for Those Who Cannot" the prayer of little Isabella Dawn Lebeau, Standing Rock Hunkpapa, her Native American name is "Sacred Meddlowlark Woman" and she is 10 years old.
Her Mother Dawn Wasin'Zi kept seeing Bella look at her shoes before dancing in her medicine or jingle dress. She asked her "What is the reason for the pause and looking down before dancing?" Bella said that she stares at her feet and says a prayer for her friend who is paralyzed and cannot dance himself. Dawn gave me permission to share this story and we used it for inspiration for this wet plate.
8x10" black glass ambrotype in the historic wet plate collodion process of pure silver on glass. Carl Zeiss Tessar 300mm lens, f4.5, 10 seconds of exposure. Title courtesy of Margaret Landin.
We Dance for Those Who Cannot Wet PlateWe Dance for Those Who Cannot Wet Plate
Nostalgic Glass Wet Plate Studio was founded on October 4th, 2012 by Shane Balkowitsch.