"The Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin" (Tataka Lyotake) with Ernie LaPointe, his Great Grandson. This is less than 200 yards from the site of where the great chief was murdered. Sitting Bull would have drawn water from here. He was killed on December 15th, 1890 and the importance and tragedy of this place is palpable.
5"x7" black glass ambrotype in the wet plate collodion process from 1848, silver on glass, this is my first ever landscape.
The Cabin at Sitting Bull's Cabin with Ernie LaPointeThe Cabin at Sitting Bull's Cabin with Ernie LaPointe
The Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin with Ernie LaPointeThe Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin
The Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin with Ernie LaPointeThe Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin
The Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin with Ernie LaPointeThe Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin
The Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin with Ernie LaPointeThe Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin
The Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin with Ernie LaPointeThe Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin
The Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin with Ernie LaPointeThe Grand River at Sitting Bull's Cabin
Nostalgic Glass Wet Plate Studio was founded on October 4th, 2012 by Shane Balkowitsch.