"Death by Oil" with Darren Thompson in Wet Plate Collodion NO DAPL

December 02, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

NO DAPL"Death by Oil" with Darren Thompson in wet plate, No DAPLNO DAPL

"Death by Oil" with Darren Thompson, dedicated to the Dakota 38 and to my Native American friends who are trying to push back the Dakota Access Pipeline. I recently became aware of the historical fact that President Abraham Lincoln gave the order to execute 38 Native Americans a day after Christmas on December 26th, 1862 in Mankato Minnesota. To date, this is the largest mass execution ever performed in our nation's history.

It is important for us to know about the past so that we do not make the same mistakes or atrocities in the future.

I want to personally thank my new friend Darren for trusting my camera and lens with his likeness. It was by far the most emotional wet plate I have ever had the honor of making. Margaret Landin was also instrumental in helping behind the scenes making sure the Native American components were correct.

8x10" black glass ambrotype in the historic wet plate collodion process, Carl Zeiss Tessar 300mm lens, f4.5, 10 seconds of exposure.

North Dakota Human Rights Film and Art FestivalDeath by Oil - Best Photographwith Shane Balkowitsch and Darren Thompson


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Nostalgic Glass Wet Plate Studio was founded on October 4th, 2012 by Shane Balkowitsch. 

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